Juggling - Can you do it?
There are all sorts of little things that you learn about people over time. Some things you can understand, other things not so much. Like finding out your friend is a procrastinator, a nail biter, unorganized, always late or some interesting things like a great singer in the car, talented painter, patient, generous, can blow bubbles with their spit or a juggler.
I learned to juggle when I was 10 years old. My sister Nancy taught me how using two tennis balls, then three. Eventually I was gifted with a Klutz set of juggling balls and I juggled all the time for fun. A hidden talent that has brought smiles to my kids who think it is totally cool, well for right now anyway, and one of those hidden things that not many people know about you.
What I didn't know is that I juggle all the time. We all do. Some of us are better at hiding the skill then others. Learning so many new things and trying to keep it all in my middle aged head is becoming my new juggling challenge. It was ok when there was a handful of things to remember, now that it has expanded ten fold, I'm dropping balls I didn't remember that I had in the air! Helloooo....Problematic!
So one of those things was catching my - Contact Us Submission forms.....ugh, that got stuck in my junk mail and well, I never go there. Its junk, right? WRONG! Did you hear that? It's the sound of about 10 balls hitting the floor and going splat. Insert a swear word here, and here, and one over here.
So as good as I thought this whole new learning curve was going, its not. If you were one of those forms that got "junked", I'm so sorry. I am now collecting them all and answering them. Some I am probably too late for, others maybe not. In the world of technology that is designed to help you keep the balls up longer, I struggle. I also think - "I bet my kids would have remembered that". Then I remember that they can't remember to do their chores so maybe I am still ahead of the game, somewhere.
So tonight I toast a little. Saying I'm sorry, letting you know I can really juggle (stop in and I'll show you) and hoping that tomorrow is a better day where I don't forget to put on pants. Cheers until next time, N
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