The End of Summer? Really

August 30, 2024

Moonlit Night Event at Thousand Islands Playhouse 2024 Photo Credit C. O'Conner

So many wows!

I shake my head to think that we are here already, the end of August. It seems like yesterday we were just hitting the fast pace of June and looking forward to those dog days. My how they passed so fast.

Its been a minute since I've had a chance to write a little something to those of you who choose to read my words.

This summer has been another lesson of learning patience and going with the flow. A slow start from a retail point of view, even the construction holiday didn't bring the same influx that we have been accustomed to. August seemed to be busier but costs dramatically increased with freight increasing more than groceries. Lets face it, we are all feeling the pinch.

We have had a year though. When I look back to last August and our cooler breakdown, which finally got closed by insurance near the end of July this year, and our flood in October 2023, which is still on going, we have come a far way. I think it taught us to take on the "so many wows" and just roll with them. What else can we do?

In retrospect, it all seems so far away, even this summer. We had some fantastic weddings, a gorgeous installation for the Moonlit Night event at the Playhouse, some super fun events and our regular summer clientele with whom we are so very grateful for.

Small business is not all roses and walks in the park. There are always dark days. I think though, we are getting better at rolling with them and asking for forgiveness instead of killing ourselves for a perfection that doesn't exist. Did I actually just type that? Wow. I must be getting older.

And if you've made it this far, thank you for continuing to follow along on our flower journey. I do try to keep things light and beautiful but a full dose of reality is often needed to ground ourselves.

Quarter by quarter. Season by season. We hope to be here to support you through your celebrations, challenges, losses and pick me ups.

Take care and until next time,

Natasha (and Maggy May)

Photo Credit: C. O'Conner

Venue: Thousand Islands Playhouse

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