The Pressure - Blog 101 and what's really going on.
Yep, I'm back. Did you hear me being dragged down the hall kicking and screaming and ending up at the kitchen island, which I might add is not an office but my husband uses it as one, finally seated at the laptop. Tapping my fingers, trying to think, smoke bilowing from my ears.
Blogging I'm told is to be easy, casual, informative with a little humour. I'm afraid as you get to know me, you will know lots about me. See, I cannot write without writing about my life. This includes my family. It can't all be about flowers, paint and the new soap we got in. Maybe sometimes it will, but most likely not. And, I'm not sure if "my family" will appreciate me writing about them!
If you clicked the about tab on the website you will see my name and a short snippet about who I am. Well, as we go along I'll tell you more and I hope you share your life stories, funny trials, losses and even dreams with me.
There are times in our lives when we feel a softness come over us, a form of sadness for someone else's loss. I think that happens as you age and are exposed to your own sadness and losses. Last week was just that. Its amazing how someone on the other side of the province can bring that out in you. Only known by name to each other by a friend that we both share, N lost her oldest son on Thursday. He was only 21. Instantly your heart breaks for another Mother, another family. N and her husband and their living children will never realize life the way it was before Thursday. A tragedy from a simple illness.
Life is just that, tragic - to some degree. Whether we put our children in a car to travel to work or school, or we place them in a boat to cross a sea in hopes of a better life. The end result can always be tragic. Our hearts bare and exposed to the world with every step these extensions of us take. No one ever tells you this before you become a Mother. I don't think you would realize how profound it is. How life altering.
I have been a little softer with my girls since. Maybe a revelation of how lucky each of us truly are. Embrace your loved ones and maybe for a little, be softer.
I promise I won't always be this sombre. I've got some goodies hiding in here but tonight let's just remember N and her family in London.
Until next time, N.
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Also in The Floral Blog ~ Life, Flowers, Moments, Thoughts

The End of Summer? Really