The perfect wedding? Maybe not. The perfect flowers? Damn right!
Oh weddings. They bring a smile to most people's faces. Well not the recently divorced ones, but you know what I am talking about. That glint that the newly engaged bride to be has in her eyes. The wheels turning of dress fittings, shoe buying (hello, who doesn't love that), hair and veils, churches, venues, cake testing, music and of course - flowers.
Its interesting to meet all these beautiful women. Some being married for the first time, some a second. Some wanting small intimate weddings, others large - but most just want to have wonderful memories. It is after all what you have left after the end of the day when the last beer bottle is emptied, the band has gone home and you are so full even after you danced the night away.
Memories that are captured not only in your mind but in photos. Photography is so important for your wedding day. Each year you will look back on those photos and go back to that time and place. And that my friends is why everything in that photo has to be perfect! My flowers have to be perfect.
I recently had a bride tell me after making some surprise last minute changes that what I was designing, creating, didn't have to be perfect. Pardon? I'm sorry. Come again?
Shocked! Stunned! Did I really hear that? Yep - I did. If it's not perfect then what is it?
Now, I stepped back a little to reflect for awhile. Have I pushed myself and my staff too far to perfection that I have forgotten the importance of the natural beauty that I am working with? Do I spend too long creating something so unique within its own beauty that at the end it is no longer unique?
No I don't think so. If it's less then perfect then its not my work.
I don't ever want to become the person that thinks that it is "ok" to have wedding flowers be less then perfect. Less then unique. Less then important. I don't think any bride would want that.
Yes, I take a long time to do wedding quotes. I design each bouquet to fit each bride and their wedding. I don't copy flowers from another wedding. I despise cookie cutter flowers. There is nothing more boring and unoriginal then seeing the same design over and over. Yuck! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little just typing that. And I don't just throw a number into the air and hope you bite at it either.
When I work with a bride, I want her to know that I am working to make her memories perfect. Yes, Uncle Jim will do the chicken dance and spill his beer on one of your bridesmaids and she’ll be madder then hell. And a good friend will pretend to shove your grooms face into the wedding cake not knowing that the groom is holding a rye and coke that spills all over that cake, making it a very dark soggy mess (We laugh now -17 years later – wasn’t so funny at the time). All of those imperfections are what makes your wedding perfect, gives you stories, gives you memories. But years later when that bride looks at those photos I want her to smile knowing that those flowers, that bouquet, those bouts – they were perfect.
Until next time, N my waiting brides - it will be absolutely perfect!
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