Fresh Carnations - Wrapped
Our Fresh Carnation Bouquets are available by the single stem, half dozen or dozen. Designing with a selection of filler flowers, greens and your preference of Carnation colour, we will create a beautiful bouquet wrapped in cello or paper.
Please note that colors and florals may vary and are dependant on highs and lows of the seasons. We will do our best to offer a range of colours and floral requests.
Please make note on your order as to which carnation colour you prefer and a secondary choice should that not be available.
Should no colour be noted, florist will have the discretion to choose.
Please select your pick-up date or delivery at least 1 day in advance. Our cut-off for next day orders is 12pm. Should you require an order for today, please call the store and speak to us to see if we can accommodate your request.
Please note ~ photo used is an example of our work. Your bouquet will be entirely unique to your order.